Tuesday 15 October 2013

Intro ideas

As a director I have chosen to keep my production of Blood Wedding roughly within its original early 20th century rural Spain as I believe the major themes of death, conformity and non-conformity and the role women play in binding a family transcend both place and time. They are as relevant and pertinent now as they were when Lorca first wrote them. I also believe that much of the play exists in a timeless beauty that doesn't really need locating too strongly.    I also believe that the strong characters that Lorca has written should be the real focus of the play and therefore want to allow them to operate with the minimum of distraction for a contemporary audience.

Friday 11 October 2013

Homework - Due Tuesday 15th October

Write at least  300 words detailing your creative overview of your production of Blood Wedding. You may like to write it as an introductory speech to your cast outlining what is unique about your production. Where will it be set? What type of stage will you use? Will you have a chorus? What are the major themes you'll be highlighting? How will you use music? What about costumes, set, props? How will you distinguish between the heightened naturalism of the first acts with the surrealism of the forest?  What do you want your audience to get from your production?

You will be presenting these to the rest of the class on Tuesday - don't let your colleagues down!

Friday 4 October 2013

Homework for 8th October

Make sure you stay on top of this!
Homework - Due on Tuesday 8thOctober

  1. Watch or read the Presentation or Booklet Blood Wedding Analysis of Act 3.
  2. Watch the linked Youtube clips
  3. Record in your blog - 10 things from the analysis and how they might inform your own production 
  4. Produce a detailed plan for directing Act 3 Scene 1

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Homework for 8th October

Make sure you stay on top of this!
Homework - Due on Tuesday 8thOctober

  1. Watch or read the Presentation or Booklet Blood Wedding Analysis of Act 3.
  2. Watch the linked Youtube clips
  3. Record in your blog - 10 things from the analysis and how they might inform your own production 
  4. Produce a detailed plan for directing Act 3 Scene 1

Monday 30 September 2013

Blood Wedding Act 3 Analysis

Homework for 1st October

Homework - Due on Tuesday 1st October

  1. Watch or read the Presentation or Booklet Blood Wedding Analysis of Act 2.
  2. Watch the linked Youtube clips
  3. Record in your blog - 3 things you liked in the clips and how they might inform your own production and 3 things you didn't like and how they might inform your own production
  4. Produce a detailed plan for directing Act 2 Scene 2

Blood Wedding Script
